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Mexico Outreach

Mexico Outreach Mission Trip
Spring 2021 (Tentative)


You Will Never Be the Same

We’re excited that you’re interested in telling others about Jesus Christ!

It doesn’t matter what age you are, Mexico Outreach is life-changing. Mexico Outreach was founded on the principle that young people of all ages can be effective in sharing the Gospel, and that within them are many gifts and talents to do so. Who is to say that one of them might not grow into a “Daniel,” and another into the next great missionary of our generation? Our prayer is that every participant with Mexico Outreach experiences Jesus Christ and finds themselves renewed in purpose in Him.

If you have never been on this trip, we encourage you to consider it.  Ask those who have been on the trip how it has impacted their life and we’re sure you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity!

What is Mexico Outreach?  During Easter Break, experienced director and FCS parent, Derek Morrison, leads a team of students and parent volunteers on a missions trip to Mexico.  Students sleep in tents in a base camp and lead VBS for local children, help with church work projects and evangelize in the community, in Spanish!  

Why should I go?  This life changing week develops leadership, gratitude and humility in the students and often strengthens their Faith in Christ and passion to serve.  Most students will mostly rave about the tacos, all of the wonderful memories and especially the friendships that they have made with the local children!