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God's Creation: Classroom for 6th Grade Science Camp

October 05, 2016
By Diane Surita, Sixth Grade Teacher

FCS sixth graders had the privilege of spending four days at science camp. The camp, located at Diamond Arrow, was facilitated by naturalists from Genesis Account (Christian outdoor education).

It was a special time of separating ourselves unto the Lord, learning and appreciating His creation, bonding as a class, and expanding our faith and character.

Classes included: Group Building (communication, cooperation, caring, commitment, teamwork and trust), Ecosystems, Shelter Building, Nature Plant Identification Walk, Exploring Animals, Fire Building, Wilderness Etiquette, Night (no light) Hike and a Compass course.

Recreational activities included: ziplining, climbing wall, archery, arts and crafts, volleyball, disc golf, board games, swimming in the Yuba River, a pass the cups competition, campfire songs and skits, and evening group games (with a Moose visitor)!