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Junior High: Action Packed Retreat at Wolf Mountain

October 16, 2016
By Rick Daugherty, FCS Chaplain

Each fall our Junior High students and teachers gather at Wolf Mountain Christian Camp for a time of spiritual focus, school unity and team-building, and to have a whole lot of fun!

Mr. Daugherty, School Chaplain and Student Activities Director shares his experience:

"The Wolf Mountain retreat is one most packed 24 hour retreats that I have ever experienced.  We enjoyed paintball (capture the flag), zip lines, a high ropes course, group games, three worship services and a few hours of sleep.  

Lydia Crist and Anna Davis (FCHS students) led the worship music and Mr. Bicknell and I shared from the Word of God with a tag team approach.  One would speak for a few minutes and then the other would add additional insight.  We shared from Philippians chapter 2 about how Christ left the glories of heaven to come to earth to be born as human so he could meet man's biggest need, the need for someone who would qualify to stand in our place and take the punishment that we deserved. 

This led us to this year's school Bible verse for the year, Philippians 2:13 "...for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure."  Not only did Christ die in our place but He works in our lives to supernaturally work in and through us."

What a wonderful time for out students to bond and make memories but to also remember our purpose and that God is for us and with us!