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Kindergarten Roundup

Category: ALL School

Date: February 26, 2019

Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

You may be asking: "How do I know if my child is ready for kindergarten? What factors contribute to my child's readiness? How can I help my child prepare?"

We've rounded up great resources for YOU! Faith Christian Elementary School is hosting this FREE kindergarten readiness night for the community! Come receive expert tips on how to help your child prepare for kindergarten, and even a tool kit to take home!

Speech and Language Screening will be provided at no cost this evening and free childcare is also available!

Learn individualized ideas to strengthen your child's skills. Our experienced kindergarten teacher, Sheree Morrison, will 'show you the ropes' and help you take the reins of readiness!

This event in open to the community - please share with anyone that would benefit!