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Fine Arts

The Fine Arts Department at Faith Christian School is committed to excellence, beauty and truth in the Creative Arts for the Glory of our Creator. With students active in choir, band, visual arts, theater arts, poetry, journalism and much, much more, we seek to offer students training and opportunity for ministry in every area of the fine and creative arts.

The arts play a major role at Faith Christian School. Students at all grade levels are encouraged to learn and refine their artistic abilities as a reflection of their creative God and as a learning tool with so many wonderful benefits.

The ABCs of Arts Learning

The benefits of student learning experiences in the arts are:



Learning experiences in the arts contribute to the development of academic skills, including the areas of reading and language development, and mathematics

• Reading and Language Skills - Certain forms of arts instruction enhance and complement basic reading skills, language development and writing skills.

• Mathematics Skills - Certain types of music instruction help develop the capacity for spatial-temporal reasoning, which is integral to the acquisition of important mathematics skills


Arts learning experiences contribute to the development of certain thinking, social and motivational skills that are considered basic for success in school, work and life

• Thinking Skills - Reasoning ability, intuition, perception, imagination, inventiveness, creativity, problem-solving skills and expression are among the thought processes associated with study of the arts. 

• Social Skills - Certain arts activities promote growth in positive social skills, including self-confidence, self-control, conflict resolution, collaboration, empathy and social tolerance.

• Motivation to Learn - The arts nurture a motivation to learn by emphasizing active engagement, disciplined and sustained attention, persistence and risk taking, among other competencies.


Learning in the arts is comprehensive in the true sense of the word: All three common definitions are applicable. Integration of the arts as a critical component of the school curriculum affords students a complete and well-rounded education. The benefits associated with study of the arts are inclusive of all students, although they can be greatest for those who are educationally or economically disadvantaged. And, an arts-rich learning environment can have far-reaching effects that extend to the entire school and surrounding community. 

• Positive School Environment - The arts help create the kind of learning environment conducive to teacher and student success by fostering teacher innovation, a positive professional culture, community engagement, increased student attendance, effective instructional practice and school identity.

Source: To learn more about the benefits of Fine Arts in education view this NASAA brochure